Climate Change Summit 2016

Higher Ground: Science, Storytelling and the Climb Toward Better Understanding of Climate Change

3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., October 12th, 2016
Emerson Alumni Hall

Hear from the trenches on cutting-edge climate communication research and journalism. Then join the conversation and share your own experiences as CJC Pubic Interest Communications Professor Ann Christiano hosts a dialogue between the audience and our panelists.



leiserowitzAnthony Leiserowitz, director, Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

Anthony Leiserowitz is a research scientist and director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication at the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University. He is also a principal investigator at the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions at Columbia University.

He is an expert on American and international public opinion on global warming, including public perception of climate change risks, support and opposition for climate policies, and willingness to make individual behavioral change. His research investigates the psychological, cultural, political, and geographic factors that drive public environmental perception and behavior.

He has conducted survey, experimental, and field research at scales ranging from the global to the local, including international studies, the United States, individual states (Alaska and Florida), municipalities (New York City), and with the Inupiaq Eskimo of Northwest Alaska. He also recently conducted the first empirical assessment of worldwide public values, attitudes, and behaviors regarding global sustainability, including environmental protection, economic growth, and human development.
