Bateman Team named national finalist

Congratulations to this year’s UF Bateman team for being named one of three national finalists in the 2015 Bateman Case Study Competition sponsored by the Public Relations Student Society of America!
Five CJC seniors competed in Fall 2014 to be selected as members of the 2014-2015 UF Bateman Team. This year’s competition is designed to raise awareness and spark local and national dialogue around the importance of affordable housing, in partnership with Home Matters®, The Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations and Edelman.
The UF Bateman team includes seniors Andrea Cepeda, Nathan King, Elliot Levy, Trisha Tucker and Valeria Yulee. Deanna Pelfrey and Craig Dezern, Vice President, Global Communications, Walt Disney Corporation, served as this year’s faculty and professional advisers, respectively.
After completing secondary and primary research, the team designed and implemented a public relations campaign throughout Gainesville and on the UF campus. The team completed its 100-page book for submission at the end of March. The “Imagine…a place called Home” campaign was developed in conjunction with two local Home Matters non-profit members: National Housing Development Corporation and Habitat for Humanity.
PRSSA Headquarters received 60 entries for this year’s competition. Of these submissions, 13 entries received honorable mention and three were chosen as finalists. The team will travel to Chicago for the finals on Friday, May 8. Finalists include UF, Loyola University New Orleans and the University of South Carolina.
Posted: April 29, 2015
Category: College News
Tagged as: Bateman, Deanna Pelfrey