CJC Hatch Students Produce New “That’s a Rap” Podcast
“That’s a Rap,” a podcast developed by University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications students, aims to bridge the disconnect between college students and modern news media through music.
Inspired by the success and virality of the musical “Hamilton,” a team of students from the CJC’s Hatch content and product incubator conceptualized what hip-hop based musical explanatory journalism could look like.
Senior’s “That’s a Rap” Podcast Gives News a Musical Makeover, published in UF News on April 21, features the story of how undergrads have come up with a way to get news into the heads of college students — one of the most elusive and coveted demographics – using music to convey information on world events.
Posted: April 27, 2017. Subscribe to our News Digest
Category: College News, Student News
Tagged as: Hatch, That's a Rap, UF News