Clay Calvert Comments on Richard Spencer’s Denied Request to Speak at UF

Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project Director Clay Calvert was quoted in “Without Formal Complaint, Richard Spencer Will Not Be Able to Speak at UF” broadcast on Gainesville, Fla. ABC-affiliate WCJB-TV on Aug. 31.
Calvert commented on UF’s decision to deny a request to rent space on Sept. 12 for a speech by National Policy Institute’s Richard Spencer.
“Given events in Charlottesville and social media content, UF had legitimate reasons to predict Spencer would bring violence with him to the University of Florida should he show up here,” said Calvert. “UF will not allow him on campus. He will actually have to challenge that in a court of law to force the university to give him access if the university doesn’t want to.”
Posted: September 1, 2017
Category: College News, Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project News
Tagged as: Clay Calvert, Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project