CJC Doctoral Students Receive AEJMC Graduate Student Travel Awards

July 18, 2018

University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications doctoral students Aqsa Bashir and Patrick Thelen have received $1,000 travel grants to attend the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference in Washington, D.C. in August.

Aqsa Bashir
Aqsa Bashir

The AEJMC Research Committee received 36 applications and only 16 students were awarded travel grants. The annual conference brings together Journalism and Mass Communication educators, students and media professionals to advance education, foster scholarly research, cultivate professional practice and promote the free flow of communication.

Patrick Thelen
Patrick Thelen

The awards were granted to students who served as the sole author on a referenced research paper that won a first or second place award from a division, interest group or commission; a sole author on more than one accepted referred research paper; or a first author on a first or second place accepted paper.

Category: College News, Student News
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