CJC Faculty and Students Honored at Annual AEJMC Conference

August 10, 2018

University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications faculty and graduate students were honored at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) annual conference in Washington, D.C.

AEJMC_2018Award winners include:

-CJC Journalism Professor and Chair Ted Spiker named Educator of the Year in the Magazine Division.

Sylvia Chan-Olmsted and doctoral student Rang Wang won second place Faculty Paper in the Media Management, Economics and Entrepreneurship Division for “Substitutability and Complementarity of Broadcast Radio and Music Streaming Services: The Millennial Perspective.”  The research is based on focus groups she conducted for GHQ.

Huan Chen won top paper in the Advertising’s Division Special Topics category for “The Role of Immersive Characteristic, Emotional Engagement, and Consumer Responses in Virtual CSR Experiences: Drunk Driving Prevention 360 Degree Video by an Alcohol Company” which she co-authored with a professor and grad student at Washington State.

Rita Men and doctoral student April Yue won third place in the Public Relations Division Open Competition Paper for “Creating a Positive Emotional Culture: Effect of Strategic Internal Communication and its Impact on Employee Supportive Behaviors.”

-Master’s student Lindsay Bouchacourt won the top paper in the Advertising Division’s Student Research Category for “The Effect of Endorser Body Type on Attitudes and Emotional Responses Toward Weight Loss Advertisements.”

-Doctoral student Patrick Thelen won second place for Student Paper in the Public Relations Division for “Supervisor Humor Styles and Employee Advocacy: A Serial Mediation Model.”

-Doctoral student April Yue won fourth place in the Graduate Student Interest Group for “How Employees Perceive Organizational Change? An Investigation into Change Management from an Internal Communication Perspective”.

AEJMC is a nonprofit, educational association of journalism and mass communication educators, students and media professionals. The Association’s mission is to advance education, foster scholarly research, cultivate better professional practice and promote the free flow of communication.

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