CJC Doctoral Student Authors Article on Overcoming Vaccination Myths

August 16, 2018

Amanda Sams Bradshaw, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Advertising doctoral student and health communications researcher, is the author of “Overcoming Vaccination Myths: Could Addressing the Facts During Prenatal Visits Help?” published in The Conversation on Aug. 15.

Amanda Sams Bradshaw
Amanda Sams Bradshaw

In the article, Bradshaw reports on studies, including her own, that examine how frequently expectant parents use social media and the internet to find information on the transition into parenthood. She states that misinformation and rumors abound online on many health topics including childhood vaccinations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has deemed August as National Immunization Awareness Month highlighting the importance of vaccination for people of all ages.

Bradshaw offers suggestions for better communication of accurate information including a more active physician voice on social networking sites; discussions about childhood vaccination during the third trimester of pregnancy; more vaccination information during prenatal care; and prenatal pediatrician visits to connect mothers-to-be with the child’s future doctor.

Category: College News, Student News
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