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#SaveStudentNewsrooms Recognized at Excellence in Journalism 2018 National Conference

Saving Student Newsrooms,” a resolution for support proposed by Frank LoMonte, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Brechner Center for Freedom of Information director, was approved at the annual Excellence in Journalism 2018 conference from Sept. 27-29 in Baltimore.

Excellence in Journalism, a joint effort between the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) and the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA), features presentations that are critical to the future of journalism.

Resolution number 4 features the #SaveStudentNewsrooms movement created by 2018 CJC graduates Melissa Gomez, Caitlin Ostroff and Jimena Tavel. The movement highlights the urgency of supporting imperiled news organizations in high schools, colleges and universities.

The support resolution calls on the leaders of America’s 4,000-plus institutions of higher education to assume responsibility for ensuring the financial stability of student-run news organizations, because a healthy campus community requires editorially independent news coverage as a foundational civic necessity.




Posted: October 12, 2018
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