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Huan Chen Co-Authors Article on Product Placement in Virtual Reality Videos

Huan Chen, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Advertising assistant professor, is the co-author of “The Influence of Dialogic Engagement and Prominence on Visual Product Placement in Virtual Reality Videos” published in the Journal of Business Research on Jan. 18.

Huan Chen
Huan Chen

Chen and Washburn University Art Associate Professor Ye Wang studied effective strategies for visual product placement in virtual reality (VR) videos to evaluate brand perception and recall. Their experiment revealed that perceived control of VR videos significantly influenced interest in a brand and willingness to consider it. Their findings suggest that product placement in VR videos resembles that of interactive media, and prominent placement that is highly engaging maximizes brand exposure. The current study is of significance since it differentiates VR videos from other similar interactive and/or visual media.

Posted: January 23, 2019
Category: College News
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