Kasey Windels Co-Authors Article on Selling Feminism in Advertising

November 22, 2019

Kasey Windels, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Advertising assistant professor, is the co-author of “Selling Feminism: How Female Empowerment Campaigns Employ Postfeminist Discourses” published in the Journal of Advertising on Nov. 21.

Kasey Windels
Kasey Windels

Windels, and co-authors Sara Champlin, Summer Shelton Ph.D 2019, Yvette Sterbenk and Maddison Poteet, report on their study of how female empowerment advertisements sometimes use postfeminist discourses, which neutralize the force of feminism and its ideals.

Their results showcased six commonly utilized discourses and elements of postfeminisim: commodity feminism, individualization, self-surveillance, a new lens on the embrace of femininity, confidence cult(ure), and love your body.

They found that in the era of #MeToo and Time’s Up advertising, an in-depth and nuanced understanding is needed of how these supposedly empowering messages work and how they affect our cultural psyche.

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