Andrew Selepak Comments on LinkedIn and Voice Assistants
Andrew Selepak, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications director of the online Master’s program with a specialization in social media, was quoted in “Is LinkedIn a Waste of Time?” published in The Wall Street Journal on Jan. 15.
According to Selepak, “There are over 673 million users on LinkedIn, but most people have an account because they’ve been told they should or need to have one—then they never use it or update it.”

He adds, “LinkedIn can be a great place to find email addresses or, if you’re hiring, scour resumes with little effort, but people tend to let their profiles atrophy. Plus: There’s always the risk they’ll be notified you’re stalking them on LinkedIn.”
Selepak was also quoted in “Nearly Half of People Have Accidentally Accessed Siri or Other Voice Assistants in Past Month by Pressing Wrong Button” published in PR Newswire on Jan. 8.
The article focuses on a report from The Manifest, a small business news and how-to website, indicating that 64 percent of voice search users have unintentionally accessed their voice assistant in the last month.
“Voice search is not perfect, just as any search is not perfect,” said Selepak. “The thing to remember is that voice search can handle who, what, when, and where questions but is still limited and unable to really handle why and how questions.”
Category: Alumni News, College News
Tagged: Andrew Selepak The Wall Street Journal
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