CJC Alumna Co-Authors Book About Mar-a-Lago and the “Shadow Government”

February 6, 2020

Caitlin Ostroff, B.S. Journalism 2018, is the co-author of “The Grifter’s Club”: Trump, Mar-A-Lago, and the Selling of the Presidency. The hardcover book, ebook, and audio will be published by PublicAffairs on June 16.

Caitlin Ostroff

Ostroff, a former Miami Herald data reporter, and her Herald colleagues Nicholas Nehamas, Jay Weaver and Sarah Blaskey, focus on their coverage of Mar-a-Lago. According to the book, the primary residence of Donald J. Trump is a place where business and government overlap, allowing club members to exert influence over government operations.

According to “’The Grifter’s Club’: Book by Herald Journalists Examines Mar-a-Lago ‘Shadow Government” published in the Miami Herald on Feb. 5, “The book expands on the journalists’ reporting for the Herald, offering fresh revelations about the federal investigation of suspected malware being brought into Mar-a-Lago; the apparent misuse of taxpayer dollars there; the government work being conducted in unsecured locations, often with foreign dignitaries present; and how Mar-a-Lago’s security rules undermine the Secret Service, and thus national security.”

Ostroff is now a markets reporter for The Wall Street Journal’s London Bureau.


Category: Alumni News, College News
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