Research Study Identifies Roles, Management Structures and Experience Histories of Social Media Managers

October 14, 2020

The Institute for Public Relations (IPR) on Tuesday posted a new study, “The Career Path of a Social Media Professional,” which looks at social media manager job roles and responsibilities, reporting and management structure, history and levels of experience, performance review systems, and career ambitions.

Tina McCorkindale
Tina McCorkindale
Marcia DiStaso
Marcia DiStaso

The study is a collaboration between the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) Public Relations Department, IPR Media Research Center and Ragan Communications, and was written by Marcia DiStaso, UFCJC Public Relations Department chair, and Tina McCorkindale, IPR president and CEO.

The study found that social media managers:

  • Are ambitious
  • Work more than 40 hours a week
  • Use Facebook and Twitter as their primary social platforms
  • Are often part of communication/public relations and marketing departments
  • Find their primary role is to create content and strategize
  • Consider themselves to be highly valued by their organization
  • Are evaluated on their engagement and replies
  • Report to a senior manager or director
  • Will leave their current role within two years to pursue other opportunities.

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