Marcia DiStaso Named One of the 2020 PRNEWS Top Women in PR
Marcia DiStaso, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Public Relations Department chair, has been selected as one of the 2020 PRNEWS Top Women in PR.
The prestigious group of 89 trailblazing women are leaders from both academia and the industry and “are making a tremendous impact in the communications field through their innovation and leadership.”
According to PRNEWS, “many of this year’s award recipients shared a number of traits, including the ability to think outside the box to create new programs that drive business results, especially in the midst of a global pandemic.”

The honorees “demonstrated significant passion for their work even beyond their (virtual) office doors, often taking on pro bono communications work, in addition to advancing female leadership and/or diversity initiatives, both inside their respective organizations as well as in volunteer capacities outside of office hours. The individuals recognized this year cover the breadth and depth of the industry, from internal communications and community relations to crisis management, media relations and beyond.”
Posted: December 16, 2020
Category: College News
Tagged as: Marcia DiStaso, PRNews