Rita Men Authors Article on How Employers Can Help Fight Vaccine Skepticism

March 19, 2021

Rita Men, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Public Relations associate professor, is the author of “Three Ways Employers Could Help Fight Vaccine Skepticism” published in The Conversation on March 19.

In the article, Men suggests that employers can play a key role in the fight against vaccine skepticism.

Rita Linjuan Men
Rita Men

“This is not only because it’s an important precaution for the health and safety of their employees, but also because a recent survey shows people around the world, including in the U.S., tend to trust their employers more than governments or the media,” said Men. “Moreover, Republicans, who are more likely to say they won’t get the vaccine, are also generally much more trusting of business, suggesting employers may be able to have more influence on them than journalists or health experts.”

She lists three research tips that can help make communication efforts more effective including building trust with transparency, treating employees as partners and emphasizing empathy, compassion and genuine care for their employees’ well-being.

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