The Multicultural Advertising Intern Program (MAIP)

September 22, 2021


Summer 2022 applications opening this month!

Hope you are all having a great fall semester back on campus! We are excited to share that the 4A’s Foundation Multicultural Advertising Intern Program (MAIP) applications are opening soon.

Professors, Students, and College Staff are invited to our information sessions (MAIP Mondays) happening this fall! Starting Monday, September 27, 2021

Student Eligibility:

  • Must identify as Asian/Asian American, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latinx, Black/African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Multiracial or Multiethnic (e.g. Hispanic and Black)
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident
  • Currently an undergraduate college junior*, senior, or graduate student at any accredited, degree-granting university or a student attending a participating 4A’s portfolio school
  • Preferred GPA of 3.0
  • Able to show your passion to kick-start a career in advertising and marketing through application essays
  • Available to work for the full duration of the fellowship period with no pre-planned time off (June-August 2022)

*We have a limited number of college junior positions available for our 2022 MAIP Fellowship Cohort. We will be selecting current juniors who showcase a deep rooted drive to change the industry.

MAIP 2021 Snapshot

Throughout the 22-week fellowship experience, MAIP fellows:

  • Complete a series of virtual trainings in the spring, designed to prepare them for the advertising/marketing/communications industry and their overall internship experience
  • Intern with one of our partner organizations from June to August (full-time, 40-hr summer internship)
    • Attend evening professional development sessions during the summer and participate in MAIP summer projects. Evening sessions are based on Eastern Standard Time.
    • Meet with a volunteer professional (MAIP Coach) for 1:1 professional and personal development conversations

Important note: MAIP 2022 may take place virtually, in-person, or in a hybrid format (to be confirmed early 2022 based on COVID-19 updates).

Category: Careers, Student News
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