Carrie Martins Named UF 2021 Staff International Educator of the Year
Carrie Martins, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications UF CJC Online combination degree and student advisor, was selected as the UF 2021 Staff International Educator of the Year.
Martins was recognized for the depth of her international engagement and work in support of international education. She recently introduced virtual exchange (VE) to the online graduate faculty, and has been collaborating with the UF International Center and the UF Center for Latin American Studies.
UF CJC Online’s first VE project will be deployed this spring in Colleen McEdwards’ Video Storytelling course. McEdwards, with Martin’s guidance, will be incorporating a VE project through collaboration with a professor at Universidad del Norte in Baranquilla, Colombia.
Martins will be honored at the upcoming International Center 30th Anniversary Reception & International Education Awards Ceremony on Nov. 15.
Posted: November 10, 2021
Category: College News
Tagged as: Carrie Martins, UF 2021 Staff International Educator of the Year