Five Questions With Fabian De La Fe Rodriguez
“Five Questions With…” is a series of profiles of recent CJC graduates and the career paths they chose.

Fabian De La Fe Rodriguez, B.S. Advertising 2014
1. Tell us about your current job?
I am the lead creative strategist at Target, where I lead the creative strategy for all seasonal marketing communications at Target. My average day varies, as I work in unison with internal and external (think agencies) creative partners and enterprise marketing leaders. I read lots of marketing research documents while thinking of ways to align marketing goals and objectives to a translatable idea or insight. All of this is done in order to inspire creative that’s effective for the business, but also for our guests.
2. Why did you choose to come to the UF College of Journalism and Communications?
To be fully honest, it was one of those things. I was in between music and video production, which I had done in the past. But, my scholar background was in computer science, so advertising seemed to me the best way to mix all my passions in one career.
3. How did your time at CJC help prepare you for this current position?
I’d say Dr. [Robyn] Goodman’s Copy and Visualization class was a life changing experience. A close second was Principles of Advertising with Professor [Dennis] Pasquale.
4. Was there a defining moment, personally or professionally, at CJC that set you on your current path?
Dr. Goodman’s work ethic. To be fully honest, at the moment I thought she was being a bit harsh with us. Presentation after presentation, attendance, meeting headlines, etc. But, the more I worked in the industry the more I understood the need for business acumen and communication skills in it. Dr. Goodman did an amazing job at really communicating that to us from class one, and for that I’m forever grateful.
5. What advice do you have for students interested in pursuing a career as a creative strategist?
Do your homework, be prepared and be kind. Find something that inspires you and try to convince others to be inspired, too. After all, creative strategy is about finding those nuggets of thought that make ideas better. The industry is mean, but the people are great. So surround yourself with a great team.
Bonus sixth question:
6. Where do you hope to be in your career in five years?
A secret, but most definitely become an agent of change outside of just marketing.
Category: Alumni Profiles, Profiles
Tagged: Fabian De La Fe Rodriguez Five Questions
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