Kun Xu, Sylvia Chan-Olmsted and Doctoral Student Fanju Liu Author Article on Smart Speaker Management Options

January 6, 2022

University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Media Production, Management and Technology faculty members Kun Xu, assistant professor in Emerging Media, and Sylvia Chan-Olmsted, professor and Media Consumer Research director, and doctoral student Fanjue Liu are the co-authors of “Smart Speakers Require Smart Management: Two Routes From User Gratifications to Privacy Settings” published in the International Journal of Communication, Vol. 16.

Fanjue Liu
Sylvia Chan-Olmsted
Sylvia Chan-Olmsted
Kun Xu
Kun Xu

The researchers examined study participants’ attitudes and behavior patterns related to smart speaker use. They explored the unique gratifications that users seek, identified the main strategies that users adopt to manage their privacy, and suggested that users apply interpersonal privacy management rules to interactions with smart media.

According to the authors, “This study presents two routes that partially explain how some of the users’ gratifications impose effects on their privacy management behaviors. Although the tension between user gratifications and privacy concerns may not be easily reconciled, parsing out users’ core needs for smart speaker use and their approaches to privacy boundary adjustment could be the starting point for understanding users’ attitudes toward home-based smart media.”

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