Five Questions With…Stacey Russo

January 20, 2022

“Five Questions With…” is a series of profiles of CJC graduates and the career paths they chose.

Stacey Russo, B.S. Public Relations 1998

Stacey Russo

1. Tell us about your current job.

I currently work as the Director of Sales in Tampa for Lumen Technologies. On an average day, I am a servant leader, coaching my amazing team to new heights. I have 24 years in the technology industry with a multi-functional background to include software, design and architecture, network engineering and global sales. My roles have included both engineering, technical sales and sales leadership. Today I lead a team of seven, and am responsible for the go-to-market strategy to drive revenue growth. I have a passion for the customer experience as well as building a strong, collaborative culture within my organization.

2. Why did you choose to come to the UF College of Journalism and Communications?

I joined CJC as a Public Relations major, after taking several intro course in the College that intrigued me. The camaraderie and professionalism of the staff at the time truly excited me and I wanted to learn more.

3. How did your time at CJC help prepare you for this current position?

The College afforded me the opportunity to learn how to write and speak to any audience I might be in front of. This is a skill that I have carried with me, over my entire career in technology and business. “Knowing your audience” was a phrase that I remember hearing in almost every class I took. This transferrable skill taught me how to take complex ideas (technical solutions) and present them to C-level executives and others not in the technology industry.

Russo, front, with colleagues at a Tampa Bay Buccaneers game in Washington, D.C. in November 2021.

4. Was there a defining moment, personally or professionally, at CJC that set you on your current path?

It was in my final PR class that I needed to graduate. The professor encouraged me to attend a career fair in Gainesville – she suggested that I would benefit from “practicing” interviewing. That day at the career fair, I met a recruiter from BellSouth and was hired as an account executive prior to graduation. I spent the next 18 years with AT&T (formerly BellSouth,) and watched my career flourish. I am always thankful for that gentle nudge, as it changed my life. I am the first to graduate from college in my family and in doing so, I have been able to build a life I never imagined.

5. What advice do you have for students interested in pursuing a career similar to yours?

Know that every class you take has the opportunity to teach you one small transferrable skill that can catapult you in so many amazing directions! Pay attention to the opportunities before you and enjoy the ride!


Category: Alumni Profiles, Careers, Digest Only, Five Questions With...
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