Five Questions With…Bonnie Katz

June 22, 2022

“Five Questions With…” is a series of profiles of CJC graduates and the career paths they chose.

Bonnie Katz, B.S. Telecommunication 2018

Bonnie Katz

1. Tell us about your current job.

I work at NBCUniversal as a Brand Marketing Manager for NBC News. Our group develops promotional brand campaigns across our various shows. I personally oversee our Nightly News, Meet the Press, and NBC News Studios (our new documentary arm) brand strategies. Working in tandem with editorial, PR, production, and research, we strategize the best ways to position our world-class reporting and talent to consumers.

2. Why did you choose to come to the UF College of Journalism and Communications?

As an out-of-state student, the reason I decided to come all the way down south was because of how impressive CJC was upon visiting. I knew from the minute I saw the college’s facilities that there would never be a shortage of opportunities for me.

3. How did your time at CJC help prepare you for this current position?

The secret sauce at CJC of instruction and immersion experiences really over-prepared me for the workforce. Having a solid technical foundation from classes led by [Media Production, Management, and Technology Professors] Tim Sorel and Sylvia Chan-Olmsted, to getting my hands dirty in the INC (Innovation News Center) and GHQ made me all the more ready to jump in headfirst at NBC. Compared to my colleagues from different schools, my learning curve was much smaller because of the solid foundation laid by CJC.

4. Was there a defining moment, personally or professionally, at CJC that set you on your current path?

At the start of my second-year, I made it my mission to squeeze the most out of my time at CJC. I explored all areas of the college, including immersion opportunities across on-air, production, advertising, and more. It was during this discovery process that I realized the dream immersion experience for me, and maybe for others, didn’t exist yet. So, with the partnership of faculty, staff, and students, we built GHQ. From a seed of an idea to the rollout and welcoming of dozens of students, GHQ defined my time at the CJC. To look back five years later and see that it’s still a place for Gators to discover their passion and have their own defining moments, makes me incredibly proud.

5. What advice do you have for students interested in pursuing a career in marketing?

To be a successful marketer, you need to be comfortable wearing many hats. Knowing how to speak producer, editor, event planner, and project manager is critical to getting the job done. The more wide-ranging experience you get at CJC, the better prepared you will be for the start of your career.

I would also say that being hungry is really important for a career in media. Especially in New York City, you should be prepared to hustle. It’s definitely a grind, but don’t forget you’ll be surrounded by like-minded, hard-working people that will push you every day to be better.

Bonus Question

6. Where do you hope to be in your career in five years?

No doubt I hope to still be in New York City. It’s hard to say what the media landscape will look like in the next five years, but I’m looking forward to strapping in for the ride and seeing where we go. I hope to continue building strategic marketing plans for media brands and pushing the envelope with creative, innovative tactics. I certainly hope to continue partnering with CJC to make sure more Gators get an opportunity to chase their wildest media dreams, just like I did.




Category: Alumni Profiles, Careers, Digest Only, Five Questions With...
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