UFCJC Doctoral Student Awarded 2022 IPR Cision Insights Fellowship

July 20, 2022

Yufan “Sunny” Qin, a University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) doctoral student, has been awarded the 2022 Institute for Public Relations (IPR) Cision Insights Fellowship. The fellowship supports and encourages undergraduate and graduate students interested in applied public relations research as a career opportunity.

Yufan “Sunny” Qin

Qin will be given free access to Cision Insights software, which will be used to produce a solo-authored research report or social/traditional media analysis and accompanying blog for publication by IPR. She will also receive guidance and mentorship from an experienced Cision Insights analyst.

Qin will be awarded $1,200 upon completion of the research project. She will also receive a free ticket and travel to the IPR Annual Distinguished Lecture and Awards Dinner in December 2022, where she will be presented with the award.

Qin is the third UFCJC graduate student to receive the award in the past five years.

Qin was the recipient of the 2022 Graduate Student of the Year Diversity Leaders Award from the  2022 PRNEWS Social Impact Awards Competition. She also was part of the UFCJC student and faculty research team that won the top paper distinction in the 2021 AEJMC Open Papers Competition for “Communicating the Big Picture with Employees: The Impact of CEO Vision Communication on Employee Engagement.”

Category: College News, Student News
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