Jieun Shin Co-Authors Article Examining Global COVID-19 Communication Efforts on Social Media

August 4, 2022

Political systems can shape social media-based social partnership communication networks according to a new study by Jieun Shin, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Media Production, Management, and Technology assistant professor, and a team of researchers.

Jieun Shin

Their results were featured in “One Earth, One Humanity Versus the Virus: Examining the Global COVID-19 Social Partnership Communication Networks on Social Media” published in the International Journal of Business Communication on July 27.

According to the authors, “In this study, we examine how organizations from the private and voluntary sectors communicate social partnerships in response to the [COVID-19] pandemic on social media. Our findings identify key themes surrounding the social partnerships, illustrating the powerful influence from countries’ uncertainty avoidance culture, populist leadership in countries’ political system, unemployment, and educational level as well as industry-level factors.”

They add, “In their fight against the common enemy, organizations from different countries demonstrated different COVID-19 social partnership communication patterns. In response to COVID-19 and other challenges such as climate change, more efforts are needed to build and expand national and international collaboration networks around shared concerns to fight for a better future.”

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