Study: Interpersonal Communication Can Influence Science and Environmentally Related Outcomes
A new study has found that interpersonal communication can influence important science and environmentally related outcomes. The findings by Jay Hmielowski, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) Public Relations associate professor, Moritz Cleve, Ph.D. 2022, and UFCJC doctoral students Eiiana DuBosar and Michael Munroe were featured in “Feeling is NOT Mutual: Political Discussion, Science, and Environmental Attitudes by Party Affiliation” published in Environmental Communication on Nov. 4.
The authors examined the influence of interpersonal communication on people’s trust in scientists and environmentalists and whether these levels of trust are associated with support for specific science and environmental policies.
According to the authors, “Our study extends this line of inquiry by showing that the relationship between political discussion and evaluations of actors in society is moderated by party identification. We also find that evaluations of scientists and environmentalists is associated with support for science and environmental policies. Moreover, we assess whether these associations vary over time.”
Posted: December 9, 2022. Subscribe to our News Digest
Category: Alumni News, College News, Student News
Tagged as: Eliana Dubosar, Jay Hmielowski, Michael Munroe, Moritz Cleve