Two UFCJC Student Journalists Honored in the First 2022-23 Hearst Journalism Television Features Awards Competition

January 4, 2023

Two University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) student journalists were recognized in the first 2022-23 Hearst Journalism Awards Television News Features competition. Journalism junior Chris Will and Journalism senior Ophelie Jacobson received first and fourth place, respectively.

Ophelie Jacobson
Chris Will

Will’s first place honor includes a $3,000 award and automatically qualifies him for a spot in the National Television Championship in June 2023. Jacobson received a $1,000 award and is qualified to compete in a semi-final round for a chance to be chosen as one of four additional finalists for the national competition.

Currently, UFCJC and Syracuse University are tied for first place in the Intercollegiate Broadcast Competition based on the highest accumulated student points from the first of three broadcast news competitions.

The 63rd annual Hearst Journalism Awards Program added broadcast journalism to the competitions in 1988. The program also includes five writing, two photojournalism and four multimedia competitions offering up to $700,000 in scholarships, matching grants and stipends. There are 105 universities of the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication with accredited undergraduate journalism programs are eligible to participate in the Hearst competitions. 

Category: College News, Student News
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