Won-Ki Moon is the Co-Recipient of a 2023 KACA-KOICE Research Grant

March 21, 2023

Won-Ki Moon, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Advertising assistant professor, and Jiyoung Lee, an assistant professor at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea, are the co-recipients of a 2023 Korean American Communication Association (KACA)-Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange (KOFICE) Research Grant for their study “Virtual Influencers for Promoting K-Contents: Focusing on the Interaction Between Virtual Influencers’ Races and Types.”

Won-Ki Moon
Won-Ki Moon

The KACA-KOFICE Research Grants are intended to support projects that contribute to the body of knowledge in various fields of communication related to K-contents and K-culture. Funded projects will be presented at a special webinar session to be held in Oct. 2023.

Moon’s research interests stem from his background in consumer psychology and behavior, particularly the role of social psychology in forming information behavior across emerging media.

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