Celeste Wagner Receives 2023 ICA Global Communication and Social Change Division Best Dissertation Award

May 1, 2023

Celeste Wagner, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Journalism assistant professor, is one of two recipients of the prestigious 2023 International Communication Association (ICA) Global Communication and Social Change Division Best Dissertation Award for “Responding to Media Coverage of Gender-Based Violence in Argentina and the United States: A Mixed Methods Study of the Intersecting Roles of Gender, Class, and Racialized Ethnicity Among General and Activist Publics.”

Wagner defended her doctoral dissertation at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania in July 2022. In it, she combines analyses of audience reception and media effects in a comparative account of how contemporary coverage of gender-based violence in Argentina and the United States, and its reception, inhibit or promote social change.

The Global Communication and Social Change Division encompasses work across a wide variety of theoretical and methodological approaches concerning issues of media/mediated communication in cultural, economic, political or social contexts, including strategic mediated communication for development, social change or social justice.

The award honors a dissertation defended in the two calendar years preceding the nomination deadline. It will be presented at the 73rd Annual ICA Conference Division Business Meeting in Toronto, Canada on May 26.

Category: College News
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