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Trauma-Informed Copywriting and Diverse Perspectives Explored in New Issue of the Journal of Public Interest Communications

Diverse perspectives and trauma-informed copywriting are among the topics explored in the latest issue of the Journal of Public Interest Communications. This is the first issue of the revamped, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, which is dedicated to advancing public interest communications scholarship and bringing together the voices of both academics and professionals.

The latest issue highlights the following articles:

  • An Inclusionary Wakeup Call for Public Interest Copywriters,” a Q&A with Maria Bryan, founder of Maria Bryan Creative. Bryan examines the importance of incorporating trauma-informed strategies into copywriting work and the considerations for cross-cultural communications.
  • Confirming Dr. Lisa Cook to the Fed: The Communications Challenge” by Carter Dougherty, communications director for the Americans for Financial Reform. Dougherty details the communication strategies used by various public interest groups to help Dr. Lisa Cook get confirmed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Dr. Cook was backed by these groups due to her commitment to fostering an equitable economy.
  • Book review of “Prisms of the People: Power & Organizing in Twenty-First-Century America,” which explores insights into the strategies that grassroots organizations and their leaders adopt to gain and negotiate power in modern-day U.S. democracy. The book is reviewed by Corinne Futch, a doctoral student in anthropology at the University of Florida.

“This volume of the Journal stands out from traditional academic journals because we have authors and co-editors who are both scholars and professionals in the field, which provides a unique blend of academic rigor and real-world insights,” said Angela Bradbery, Karel Chair in Public Interest Communications at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications and Journal supervisor. “Connecting the academic and professional worlds is critical to the growth of this discipline. We anticipate that readers will find these pieces informative and helpful in their work.”

“The Journal of Public Interest Communications is an important resource for those of us who want to use our communications skills for good,” said Kelly Chernin, assistant professor at Appalachian State University and editor of academic research for the Journal. “The mix of academic rigor and practitioner insights is unique and invaluable.”

With a diverse editorial board of 60+ experts, the journal features work from various perspectives, covering topics like social justice, environmentalism and health education campaigns. All content undergoes a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring high quality and credibility.

Access thought-provoking insights and original research in Volume 7 at

Posted: June 13, 2023
Category: College News
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