Undergraduate Research Opportunities!
The CDC on Instagram: Tracking Posts about COVID-19
Undergraduate students are needed to assist with a research project about Instagram and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This research examines the posts made by the CDC on Instagram about COVID-19, and examines the message features and persuasive elements of the posts. You will be supervised by Dr. Benjamin Johnson and earn credit for ADV4910 (Advertising Undergraduate Research). You’ll have the opportunity to work alongside PhD students, and will have contact with each stage of the research process. You will learn about theory and hypothesizing, quantitative content analysis methods, statistical analysis, and academic writing. The time commitment is 5 hours per credit hour (maximum 3 credit hours), and the project will be completed by December 2023. Please email your resume and schedule to benjaminkjohnson@ufl.edu to apply, or if you have any questions.
Who Wrote This Story? Human or Machine?
“This message was written by artificial intelligence.” Or was it? Dr. Benjamin Johnson and colleagues are looking for undergraduate research students to assist with research on authorship disclosures in contexts such as news writing, ad copywriting, and entertainment scriptwriting. You will be supervised by Dr. Benjamin Johnson and earn credit for ADV4910 (Advertising Undergraduate Research). You’ll have the opportunity to work alongside UF researchers, and will have contact with each stage of the research process. You will learn about theory and hypothesizing, academic writing, experimental methods, statistical analysis, and more. The time commitment is 5 hours per credit hour (maximum 3 credit hours). Please email your resume and schedule to benjaminkjohnson@ufl.edu to apply, or if you have any questions.
Posted: August 23, 2023
Category: Student News
Tagged as: AI, Research, stcc