UFCJC Online PR Adjunct Instructor Speaks on the Benefits of Purpose-Driven Storytelling
Pam Fultz, senior communications manager at Vi and University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications online master’s program adjunct instructor, was interviewed for an episode of the “On Top of PR” podcast from AXIA Public Relations on Aug. 29.
In “The Benefits of Purpose-Driven Storytelling,” Fultz discusses purpose-driven storytelling, how it can tug at the heartstrings of an audience, and how to create mission-driven stories that sound believable. According to Fultz, PR professionals are telling stories and building relationships every day.

“With purpose-driven storytelling, we dig deeper and tell more than just the who, what, where, when, and why of a story,” said Fultz. “Stories are designed to make an emotional connection with people … and ultimately create brand loyalty. Telling stories based on your organization’s mission lends appeal and enhances credibility.”
“One of the courses that I teach for the University of Florida is focused on measuring social change as public interest communicators. It is critical that students learn the connection between emotion and data to create stories with heart that highlights hard facts,” said Fultz.
She adds, “If your organization is mission-driven, then you can reinforce its stated purpose in all of your internal and external communications. Stories complement these efforts, allowing you to connect with your audience on a personal level by appealing to their emotions.”
Fultz is an online adjunct instructor for two UFCJC Online courses: “Public Relations Measurement and Evaluation” in the Public Relations concentration, and “Measuring Social Change: Research and Evaluation” in the Public Interest Communications concentration.
Posted: September 1, 2023
Category: College News
Tagged as: Pam Fultz, Public Interest Communications, Public Relations, Purpose-Driven Storytelling, UFCJC Online Master's Program