Seungahn Nah Serves as Co-Editor of International Journal of Communication Special Section on Rethinking AI

February 6, 2024

Seungahn Nah, Dianne Snedaker Chair in Media Trust and research director for the Consortium on Trust in Media and Technology at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC), and UCLA Communication Associate Professor Jungseock Joo are the co-editors of “Rethinking Artificial Intelligence (AI): Algorithmic Bias and Ethical Issues,” a special section in the International Journal of Communication Volume 18 (2024) featuring articles about the issues associated with AI and its subtechnologies.

The special edition includes an article by Nah, UCLA doctoral student Jun Luo and Joo entitled “Mapping Scholarship on Algorithmic Bias: Conceptualization, Empirical Results, and Ethical Concerns.” The authors provide an overview of concerns related to algorithmic bias across diverse disciplines.

According to the authors, “The study relies on the framework of AI-mediated communication and human-AI communication, as well as topic modeling and semantic network analysis to examine the conceptualization and major thematic areas of AI bias literature.”

They add, “The study reveals the complexity of the concept of algorithmic bias, which extends beyond the algorithm itself. Empirical scholarship on AI and algorithmic bias revolves around conceptualizations, human perceptions, algorithm optimization, practical applications, and ethics and policy implications. Understanding and addressing the ethical challenges require a multilevel examination from the perspectives of different stakeholders.”

Category: AI at CJC News, College News, Trust News
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