Jiawei Liu to Join UFCJC as an Assistant Professor in the Advertising Department and STEM Translational Communication Center
Jiawei Liu will join the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications in August 2024 an assistant professor in the Advertising Department and in the STEM Translational Communication Center.
Liu is currently a research associate in the Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy at Cornell University. His research uses a variety of empirical methods to investigate the content and effects of mass media and social media messages regarding public health and public policy issues.

He brings considerable expertise to the STEM Translational Communication Center regarding cancer communication. Liu has investigated topics such as the role of racial identities in the acquisition and use of information about cancer screening, the volume and content of cancer related messages in the public communication environment and the effects of public health messages on cancer risk perceptions and screening behavior.
Liu has co-authored 33 publications, including 29 journal articles and four book chapters. His works have appeared in leading peer-reviewed journals, including Human Communication Research, Social Science & Medicine, Risk Analysis, Journal of Health Communication, Health Communication, Health Education & Behavior, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, The International Journal of Press/Politics, The Milbank Quarterly, Mass Communication and Society, Computers in Human Behavior, and International Journal of Communication. He is an editorial board member of Health Communication.
Liu earned a B.A. in International Journalism from the Communication University of China, an M.S. in Journalism from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Ph.D. in Mass Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Category: College News, STEM Center News
Tagged: Advertising cancer communication Jiawei Liu
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