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UFCJC PRSSA Bateman Team Receives First Place in 2024 National Case Study Competition

The University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) Bateman Case Study Competition team has received first place in the 2024 national contest.

The UFCJC team, led by Public Relations Lecturer Christine Bucan, was comprised of Public Relations seniors Shandia Lewis-Booker, Olivia Maroney, Janelle Puckering, Tatiana Rodriguez and Bianca Romero.

This is the second year in a row that UFCJC placed first in the competition and fourth time since 2014.  The team placed second in 2022, 2020, 2015 and 2012.

PRSSA partnered with Culturs, the global multicultural magazine, for the 2024 competition. Students were tasked with creating awareness of the publication on college campuses and its mission to enhance community and foster human connection of culturally fluid communities of multiethnic, multicultural, mixed race and geographically mobile people which included immigrants, refugees and Third Culture Kids.

CommuniGATORS, the UFCJC team, created the “Embrace the Hyphen” campaign which reached the homes of more than 65,000 residents, inspired 44 ambassadors and partnered with 56 organizations to embrace Culturs and its mission. With more than 15,000 social media impressions, 32 media hits and 292 public service announcement placements generating 450,000 impressions, the team surpassed all campaign objectives and exemplified the transformative power of fostering inclusive spaces and amplifying diverse voices.

“This campaign provided us with invaluable experience working as a team to plan and implement a public relations campaign for a national client,” said Bateman team member Rodriguez. “It was incredibly rewarding to see the impact that our efforts have had on the community and to be able to encourage others to celebrate their unique identities and create inclusive, safe spaces.”

PRSSA received 45 entries for the 2024 competition, and of these submissions eight were awarded honorable mention and three were chosen as finalists. The three finalists presented their campaigns in New York City on May 2. UFCJC received first place followed by Montclair State University and Brigham Young University receiving second and third place, respectively.

Earlier this year, the UFCJC Public Relations Department received and honorable mention in the 2024 PRWeek Outstanding Education Program.

Posted: May 2, 2024
Category: College News, Student News
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