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UFCJC Agency Students and Staff Attend Disney Upfront for Second Year in a Row

Six students and staff from The Agency at the University of Florida, the marketing agency at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communication’s (UFCJC), attended the exclusive Disney Upfront, the annual event where media companies showcase new content and programming plans to major advertisers and media buyers. Disney has been an Agency client for three years.

This is the second year in a row that The Agency was invited to the event, the only university agency in attendance and Disney’s only university agency partner. In addition to The Agency, 20 UFCJC Advertising students and two faculty members attended the event.

From left, Mark Rottensteiner, Bianca Hong, Alexandra Grundfast, Jessica Novello, Avery Schwartz and Natalie Asorey.

Agency students that attended included Media Production, Management, and Technology junior Alexandra Grundfast, Agency account executive; Bianca Hong, B.S. Advertising 2024, new business development and research operations manager; Marketing master’s student Jessica Novello, strategist; and Public Relations senior Avery Schwartz, operations manager for external communications. Agency Associate Director for Student Engagement Natalie Asorey and Accounts Director Mark Rottensteiner also attended the Disney Upfront.

Students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of media buying and selling and engage directly with top executives in the field. They gained insights into Disney’s content strategies for both linear and streaming platforms and learned from industry leaders about the company’s approach to storytelling and its global impact.

The Agency is an award-winning integrated strategic communication and consumer research firm specializing in research-based advertising, public relations and communications. Under the supervision of professionals, students work on reseach and campaigns for Fortune 50 & 100 brands, national and international agencies, and small businesses.

Posted: May 16, 2024
Category: College News
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