Research Funding Opportunities

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Research Funding Opportunities: July 12, 2024


First Opportunity

  • NOTE: This is a limited submission and UF can only submit one application. No internal submissions have been received, so it is now open to the first application submitted.
  • Sponsor: Department of State, United States Embassy in Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • Funding Opportunity Title: Film Makers Capacity Workshops and Festival
  • Key words: Sri Lanka, film making, women film makers
  • Link to RFP:
  • Internal deadline: ASAP – submit project summary, budget, justification, and biosketches via Infoready portal:
  • Agency Deadline: 08/02/24
  • Funding available: minimum of $25,000 to maximum of $55,000 per award with $55,000 total funding available
  • Period of performance: 12 to 18 months
  • Program background: The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Embassy in Colombo announces an open competition to implement a program to build the capacities of young filmmakers – including women — in Sri Lanka. This program will build the skills, knowledge, and capacities of new voices and emerging filmmakers in all areas of Sri Lanka, with an eye to supporting story telling around issues of gender, inclusion, and gender-based violence. In addition to providing training and support for young filmmakers, the event will culminate in a film-sharing festival, most likely held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, to highlight the filmmakers and their messages.
  • Program Objectives:
    • Objective 1: At least 200 program participants will increase their filmmaking skills by participating in a series of capacity-building programs, workshops, and mentoring events.
    • Objective 2: Either alone or in groups, at least 50% of program participants will create one or more high-quality short films (3 – 5 minutes) on a topic related to gender, inclusion, or gender-based violence, which will be submitted for the programs film festival.
    • Objective 3: A finale event will include a red-carpet style film screening, welcoming program participants, other filmmakers, and community members drawn to the film’s subject matter, in which films are screened and young filmmakers and their messages are celebrated.
    • Objective 4: Following the film festival, the films will be screened for a wider public audience, including at American Spaces and online, to raise awareness around gender issues.

Second Opportunity

  • NOTE: This is a limited submission and UF can only submit one application.
  • Sponsor: US Agency for International Development
  • Funding Opportunity Title: Uganda Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance
  • Key words: Uganda, media, journalism, freedom of speech
  • Link to RFP:
  • Internal deadline: 07/19/24 – submit project summary, budget, justification, and biosketches via Infoready portal:
  • Agency Deadline: 08/09/24
  • Funding available: minimum of $250,000 to maximum of $15,000,000 per award with $25,000,000 total funding available
  • Period of performance: 60 months or less
  • Program background: Uganda’s development context is dynamic and both national and global events have shaped its operating environment. USAID/Uganda’s 2022-2027 Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) goal is “A partnership with the Ugandan people to put Uganda on a path to achieve its Vision 2040.” This goal cannot be attained or sustained without concerted efforts to advance accountability. Result areas in USAID/Uganda’s CDCS Development Objective 3 touch upon all aspects of USAID/Uganda’s work regardless of sector. Increased accountability will increase direct service delivery in education, health, and agriculture, and promote the protection of the rights of all Ugandans. Activities will improve citizens’ ability to more actively participate in civic life and improve the Government of Uganda’s (GOU) ability to respond to the dynamic needs of Ugandans. Activities will work to increase civic competence, strengthen media institutions while maintaining civic space, promote engagement in political processes, and support civil society organizations (CSOs) to advocate for improved development outcomes for all Ugandans. All activities under this APS will employ a gender equality and female empowerment lens to highlight the different needs of women and girls and to better integrate their specific wants and needs into activities.
  • Program Objectives: MEDIA STRENGTHENING- USAID aims to support a vibrant media environment as a key tenet of a healthy democratic society, in which media organizations, civil society, journalists, and the public freely enjoy their right to freedom of speech and expression.


New Investigators

First Opportunity

  • Sponsor: National Communication Association
  • Funding Opportunity Title:  NCA Research Cultivation Grants
  • Key words: communications, new investigators
  • Link to RFP:
  • Agency Deadline: 09/01/24
  • Funding available: Applicants may seek support up to $15,000.
  • Period of performance: Funds must be dispersed within one year of receiving the award.
  • Program background: The Research Cultivation Grant (RCG) supports NCA’s mission to “foster professional success in research.” The specific goal of the RCG is to facilitate first-time grant-seeking for those without prior grant experience and/or those desiring to build a foundation for future grant pursuits. In this sense, RCG is a grant-seeding program with both short-term and long-term promise. Funded projects will have the potential to make significant contributions to the study and practices of communication.
  • Program Objectives: RCG-funded projects will be those proposing innovative research (such as understudied domains, novel or creative methodologies), promoting IDEA as defined by NCA’s strategic plan (focused on historically marginalized groups), and/or engaged scholarship (such as research mobilized in non-academic contexts of pressing social, civic, and ethical concerns, or that translates communication theory into practice).
  • NOTE:
    • All investigators listed on the grant must be NCA members at the time of submission.
    • Project investigators must have no prior research grant funding since completion of the terminal degree. Applicants are required to hold a terminal degree.
    • NCA will pay up to 10 percent of indirect costs, but the total funding amount, including both direct and indirect costs, cannot exceed the $15,000 funding limit.

Posted: July 12, 2024
Category: Research Funding Opportunities
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