Seungahn Nah Co-Authors New Book on North Korea Communication Research

February 18, 2025

Seungahn Nah, Dianne Snedaker Chair in Media Trust and research director for the Consortium on Trust in Media and Technology at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC), is co-author of a new book “Locating North Korea in Communication Research” published by Routledge on Feb. 4, 2025.

In the book, Nah, Sogang University Associate Professor Soomin Seo, Yonsei University Professor Yong-Chan Kim and Simon Fraser University Professor Dal Yong Jin showcase continuity and change in communication with and within North Korea by examining the news media, popular culture and digital technology. The authors focus on media portrayals of North Korea at cultural discourses in various media and at the impact of new and emerging technologies.

According to Routledge, “Drawing on insights from history and international relations, this book shows how the Cold War and Old- World Order shape media and communications in places like North Korea, as well as how the desire for people to communicate and to be understood can surpass such a regime’s tight control.”

Category: College News, Trust News
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