Kun Xu Authors Article on Mobile Media Usage and Language

January 24, 2020

Kun Xu, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Telecommunication assistant professor in emerging media, is the author of “Language, Modality, and Mobile Media Use Experiences: Social Responses to Smartphone Cues in a Task-Oriented Context” published in Telematics and Informatics on Jan. 16.

Kun Xu
Kun Xu

In the article, Xu found that mobile media usage moderated the effects of anthropomorphic language on conformity intention and led to social responses through users’ perception of language. In addition, females were more likely than males in their intention of conformity to the smartphones.

According to Xu, “Technology advancements have substantially changed the way people use phones. While users may maintain social relationships with others through phones, they can also form social connection with phones per se. Even knowing that machines should not warrant humanlike responses does not alter our reactions to them as social entities. Based on these media phenomena, this study has its value in demonstrating that the social dimensions of smartphones, along with users’ perception, mobile media use experiences, and communication contexts can all contribute to users’ social interactions with smartphones.”

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