Andrew Selepak Comments on Cuts to CNN’s Digital Operations
Andrew Selepak, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications lecturer and director of the online Master’s program with a specialization in social media, was quoted in “CNN Boss Jeff Zucker Slashing Digital Operations by Cutting Jobs, Scaling Back ‘High Profile’ Initiatives” posted on on Feb. 12.
According to the article, CNN is slashing its digital operations as some of its expensive new initiatives struggle. CNN plans to lay off as many as 50 people. Selepak contends that CNN made a common mistake in the digital landscape by focusing too much on where their audience isn’t located.
“Their digital coverage has not produced the revenue needed to maintain the staff costs. CNN’s problem is that they have a limited digital audience and their ventures into Snapchat have not produced the revenue to justify the cost,” Selepak said. “The problem for CNN is that in making cuts to digital, they are thinking short-term. The older audience that watches CNN is only getting older, while younger audiences who don’t buy into the CNN digital brand while they are young, never will.”
Posted: February 13, 2018
Category: College News
Tagged as: Andrew Selepak