Clay Calvert Comments on Surveying Licensing and the First Amendment
Clay Calvert, director of the Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications, was quoted in “If an Algorithm Draws Lines on a Map, is that the Same as Land Surveying?” published in Ars Technica on July 13.

The article asks the question: “When does drawing a digital line on a satellite map cross an ethereal threshold into the centuries-old practice of licensed land surveying? The question is now before a Mississippi state court for a decision on whether the state’s licensing regulation of surveyors violates the First Amendment.
According to Calvert, “this was a ‘great test case’ as to whether such a state law fell squarely under normal regulations or whether this touches the First Amendment, in which case Mississippi will have a much harder time defending its licensing system.”
Posted: July 18, 2018
Category: College News, Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project News
Tagged as: Ars Technica, Clay Calvert, Marion B. Brencher First Amendment Project