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CJC Post-Doctoral Associate Interviewed for Revise & Resubmit Podcast

Eric Cooks, Ph.D. 2020, a post-doctoral associate in the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications STEM Translational Communication Center (STCC), is featured in “When Patients Engage with Similar Others, Health Outcomes Improve and Other Conversations about Health Disparities,” an episode of the podcast Revise & Resubmit hosted by Kim Bissell and available on Spotify.

Eric Cooks

Cooks speaks about his time working on research with STCC Director Janice Krieger and explains why he wasn’t certain that he would pursue his doctoral degree. In the interview, he shares information on health disparities and why clinical trials research does not require a medical degree.

The Revise & Resubmit podcast features communication and mass communication professors speaking about how their research can affect your everyday life.

Posted: September 23, 2021
Category: Alumni News, College News, STEM Center News
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