Sports@CJC Research

The College continues to invest in growing its thought leadership, with new sports-related curriculum, expanding research on diversity in sports, effective brand messaging, and fans’ evolving media usage behavior, and convening thought leaders and influencers to address significant issues related to sports.

For summaries of sports-related research visit Research and Insights: Sports.

Recent Research

Roxane Coche, Sports Journalism and Communication and Assistant Professor and Associate Chair, Media Production, Management, and Technology

Coche, R. (2021). Women take power: A case study of Ghanaian journalists at Russia 2018 World Cup. Sociology of Sport Journal. DOI: 10.1123/ssj.2020-0108

Lynn, B. J., Coche, R., & Ashley, M. (2021). X’s and O’s, Angles and Games: NFL Football Yardage Estimations Based on Camera Angle. Sports Innovation Journal. Retrieved from

Coche, R. (2021). Course internationalization through virtual exchange: Students’ reflections about “seeing the world through the lens that is soccer.” Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 76(4), 412-424. DOI: 10.1177/10776958211014074

Coche, R. (2021). A new era? How the European ESPN covered the 2019 Women’s World Cup online. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. DOI: 10.1177/1012690221992242

Bell, T. R., & Coche, R. (2020). “Victory on Their Own Terms”: American Front-Page Framing of the USWNT Repeat World Cup Championship. Journalism Practice, Online Publication First. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2020.1827451

Coche, R., & Lynn, B. J. (2020). Behind the scenes: COVID-19 consequences on broadcast sports production. International Journal of Sport Communication, 13(3), 484-493. DOI: 10.1123/ijsc.2020-0231

Bell, T. R., & Coche, R. (2020). “The Man South Africa Forgot”: Media Construction and Redemption of Post-Apartheid Hero Josia Thugwane. Journal of Sports Media, 15(1), 99-123. DOI: 10.1353/jsm.2020.0003

Sylvia Chan-Olmsted, Director, Consumer Media Research and Professor, Media Production, Management, and Technology

Chan-Olmsted, S., & Kwak, D. (2020). Fantasy Sport Usage and Multiplatform Sport Media Consumption. Sport Marketing Quarterly.

Chan-Olmsted, S., & Xiao, M. (2019). Smart Sports Fans: Factors Influencing Sport Consumption on Smartphones. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 28(4), 181-194.

Chan-Olmsted, S., Wolter, L., & Sahm, B. (2018). Exploring digital media’s impact on sports sponsorship: A global perspective. Paper/Poster at 14th World Media Economics Conference, Cape Town, South Africa.

Chan-Olmsted, S., Xiao, M., & Wolter, L. (2017). The Making of social sports fans: Factors affecting sports consumption on social media. Paper/Poster at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Chicago, IL.

 Maab, S., Chan-Olmsted, S., & Wolter, L. (2017). Digital audio and sports sponsorship: Audience connection through podcasting. Paper/Poster at 2017 European Media Management Conference, Belgium.