CJC Virtual Exchange

CJC’s virtual exchange (VE) programs allow CJC students to collaborate with students from universities internationally as part of their courses. Check out some of the exciting virtual exchange projects offered by the College.

Video Storytelling

UF CJC Online and Universidad del Norte in Colombia

Colleen McEdwards, a faculty member in UF CJC Online, and Juan-Pablo Osman, a faculty member from Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia, both offered courses on video storytelling at their respective institutions. Osman focused on fictional storytelling techniques in film and McEdwards on non-fiction in journalism or public relations.

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Communicating Soccer Globally

Department of Media Production, Management, and Technology and University of Brighton in the United Kingdom

In this project, CJC students in a class on global perspectives of communicating soccer taught by Eric Esterline and Roxane Coche partnered with a class focused on career development from the University of Brighton taught by Professor Owen Evans.  Students discussed and compared how soccer is reported in each country.

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If you would like to learn more about virtual exchange at UF and how you can get involved, visit the UF International Center’s virtual exchange website, which includes information on virtual exchange training for UF faculty and their international partners. You can also browse through a catalog of VE projects completed at UF to see what’s happening at other colleges.