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Andrew Selepak Comments on How Social Media Can Help with Anxiety

Andrew Selepak, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Media Production, Management, and Technology lecturer and coordinator of the online master’s program with a specialization in social media, is quoted in “Sharing on Social Media Can Help With Anxiety, If Done Right” published in Forbes on Sept. 28.

Andrew Selepak

The article focuses on the rise in anxiety rates since the start of the pandemic. Many that are struggling have turned to online communities – including social media – for understanding, help and support, and these interactions can be helpful if done properly.

According to Selepak, social media use can be “a double-edged sword” when it comes to documenting one’s stressors or anxieties.

“On one hand, social media is a place where anxieties may be heightened, where some compare their worst to everyone else’s best, and where self-doubt often grows,” said Selepak. “On the other hand, social media can also be a place where we become informed, inspired by others, and emboldened to face our fears and anxieties – sometimes for the very first time.”

Selepak says that when used carefully and with proper consideration social media can be a powerful tool for good.

“Whether that’s someone sharing their anxiety journey on Instagram or a group discussing shared struggles in a private Facebook forum, social media’s power to help or harm always comes down to how the tool is used,” said Selepak.

Posted: October 12, 2022
Category: College News
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