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Benjamin Johnson to Discuss Publishing and Present Research at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Benjamin Johnson, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) Advertising associate professor and interim director of the STEM Translational Communication Center, will join an editors’ panel and give a research presentation at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC Chile) in Santiago, Chile, from Jan. 15-19.

Johnson will participate in the five-person panel discussion “Publish or Perish? Strategies for Academic Publishing in the Field of Journalism and Communication.” The panel includes editors from universities in Chile that publish peer-reviewed communication research in English and Spanish-language publications. They will share their advice and perspective for junior authors who aim to publish their research in top journals.

Johnson will also present a research talk, “Authenticity and Its Conceptual Challenges: The Importance of Flaws and Control in Perceptions of Social Media Content Creators” to the Faculty of Communications at UC Chile.

UC Chile is a top-ranked Latin American university, listed as number one by Times Higher Education and number two by QS World University Rankings.

Posted: January 5, 2024
Category: College News, STEM Center News
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