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UFCJC Alumnus Ron Sachs Receives Knighthood from Italian Charitable Order

University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) alumnus Ron Sachs, B.S. Journalism 1972 and Hall of Fame 1998, was recently knighted into The Royal Order of Francis I, a prestigious order in Italy established by the Royal House of Bourbon two centuries ago. The Italian charitable order honors individuals for significant contributions to society in service and philanthropy.

Sachs is founder and chairman of SachsMedia, a public relations and communications firm he founded in 1996 with headquarters in Tallahassee, Florida. He was one of 12 knighthood honorees including singer and actor Frankie Valli from the Four Seasons.

Sachs has dedicated his firm’s pro bono efforts to advocate for public school funding, a health campaign during the COVID-19 pandemic and the establishment of the Tallahassee “Best and Brightest Award” honoring the most outstanding high school seniors in Leon County, Florida.

Posted: February 28, 2024
Category: Alumni News, College News
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