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UFCJC Students Honored in 2023-24 Hearst Journalism Awards Competition

University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) student journalists were honored in the  2023-2024 Hearst Journalism Awards program, cosnidered the Pulitzer Prize for college journalism. The program included five writing, two photojournalism, one audio, two television and four multimedia competitions.

UFCJC results include:

The final UFCJC Intercollegiate competition standings:

One UFCJC student journalist, Serra Sowers, B.S. Journalism 2024, competed in the Hearst Journalism Awards Multimedia National Championship from June 1-7 in San Francisco. She received second place and a $7,500 award.

The Hearst Journalism Awards Program, now in its 64th year, offers up to $700,000 in scholarships, matching grants and stipends. 105 member universities of the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication with accredited undergraduate journalism programs are eligible to participate in the Hearst competitions.

Posted: March 4, 2024
Category: College News, Student News
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