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Andrew Selepak Comments on Current Social Media User Trends and the Increased Popularity of the Facebook App

Andrew Selepak, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) Media Production, Management, and Technology instructional assistant professor, is featured in “Meta vs. TikTok: Breaking  Down the User Trends of Social Media” posted on on May 31.

Selepak and CNBC’s Julia Boorstin appeared on CNBC’s “Power Lunch” to discuss social media trends and the current increase in popularity of the Facebook app in the 18-29-year-old demographic. The increase is possibly due to the addition of short form videos and content recommendations from the artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm.

According to Selepak, “I think it’s a combination of factors. There has been a lot of discussion about the dangers of TikTok, the problems with TikTok and the possible ban of Tiktok. Obviously, Meta, which is Facebook and Instagram, have looked at how much of their audience has gone over to TikTok and tried to replicate some of those things with reels. I think it’s also important to keep in mind when we are looking at 18-29, that’s a very wide age range that includes both some Gen Z and some Millennials. Millennials are now out of college and they are now getting jobs and moving away. One of the big things they want to do is stay connected to people from their past. That’s just not something you would do on Tik Tok.”

He adds, “When we look at some of the differences between the apps and social media platforms, TikTok is really a media app and an entertainment app. When you look at Facebook and Instagram, those are more about social connections. People still have the need, desire and want for connections, and you are not going to find that on TikTok. You are going to find that on Facebook, which to be quite honest, was what [Mark] Zuckerberg said he originally wanted for the platform.”

Posted: June 5, 2024
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