Andre Sanders

Assistant In, Innovation News Center

Read Andre Sanders’ hiring announcement. Since being hired, Andre was promoted to the Assistant In faculty position.

Andre Sanders

What are you teaching this semester?

I am teaching Television News Production I & II Immersion experience.

What is your area of expertise?

Multimedia and television newscast production.

What research are you working on?

I am working on a project to assess the effectiveness of cultural tailoring strategies of chatbots for public agencies to communicate disaster preparedness. The project will be the first to test the potential of Generative AI in public disaster communication in a multiethnic community context. 

Your hero or biggest inspiration (alive or historical)?

My biggest inspiration is my mom. She raised me to become the man that I am today. She not only taught me valuable principles of life, but I also saw first-hand her live out those very principles to become the great woman that she is today.

What three things don’t we know about you?

  1. I love God.
  2. I am an ordained elder and assistant pastor
  3. I am a drummer. Music is a passion of mine.