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John Sutherland and Jun Heo’s Research on Agency-Client Relationships Published in the Journal of Advertising Research

John Sutherland
John Sutherland

University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Advertising Professor Emeritus John Sutherland and Ph.D. graduate Jun Heo’s research article “Why Marketers Should Be More Transparent with the Ad Agencies They Hire” was published in the December issue of the Journal of Advertising Research.


The agency–client relationship is like a marriage: Without nurturing, it falls apart. Agency–client relationships, in fact, have a much shorter life span than they used to, and the authors of the current article surveyed media planners across the United States to find out why.

Beyond competitive fees, one reason offered by these agency staffers was prevalent: Marketers need to do a better job communicating with the agencies they hire—not only about their needs but also about their other marketing tools and resources. Such increased sharing, the planners noted, would make agencies more engaged with marketers’ businesses and brands and give the agencies the tools they need to produce appropriate outcomes.

Posted: December 18, 2015
Category: Research News
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