It All Begins April 5th & 6th, 2024

The inaugural Orange & Blue Film Festival will welcome selected student filmmakers from across Florida public universities, community colleges, and high schools for 2 days of celebrating of cinema and participating in immersive professional development at one of the nation’s leading schools of communications. This event is presented by the Department of Media Production, Management, & Technology. 

Submitting a Film


Submissions are open to films produced by students currently enrolled in public universities or community colleges in the state of Florida (or have been enrolled within the past 6 months).  

  • All films must be completed within the past 18 months prior to submission.  
  • All films must have been completed while the filmmaker was enrolled as a student. 
  • Students enrolled in master’s degrees programs (including research, specialized, or professional) are also eligible for submission under “Graduate Students”. 


Submissions are open to films produced by high school students currently enrolled in an accredited high school in the state of Florida.  

  • All films must be completed within the past 18 months prior to submission.  
  • All films must have been completed while the filmmaker was enrolled as a student. 

For technical specifications, fees, and other information please check the Rules and Terms. 


  • Documentary 
    • Total running time (TRT) MAX = 15:00 minutes.  
  • Narrative 
    • Total running time (TRT) MAX = 15:00 minutes. 
  • Animation 
    • Total running time (TRT) MAX = 5:00 minutes. 


  • Documentary 
    • Total running time (TRT) MAX = 7:00 minutes.  
  • Narrative 
    • Total running time (TRT) MAX = 12:00 minutes. 

Attending the Festival

If you’re submitting, keep your calendars open April 5-6, 2024. 

Registration to attend the Orange & Blue Film Festival opens March 1st, 2024. We can’t wait to see you there.  

  • Orange & Blue Film Festival screenings are open to the public.  
  • Filmmaker-specific programming may include but is not limited to : industry panels, hands-on workshops, Q&A sessions, networking mixers, meet & greets, and roundtable discussions.  
    • Filmmakers attending on-campus programming are responsible for their own transportation, lodging, and any additional expenses related to attending the festival events. 

This event requires parents, guardians, or teachers to be responsible for the care, custody, or control of the minor participants, The University of Florida will not provide supervision.

Questions? Please Email Our Film Festival Team